Ninja Creami

Ninja Creami Nutella Ice Cream – 02

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nutella ice cream

Let me present to you the amazing Ninja Creami Nutella Ice Cream, please take a look. What you will be learning from this rather informative blog post is how to make a rich, creamy, thick Nutella ice cream just in the Ninja Creami equipment. Nutella, I believe, cannot be overestimated, and if it comes to ice cream, then this product in question is the focus if it creates a quite special taste which will draw the attention of children and adults. 

History of Nutella

Nutella as a sweet spread was developed in the 1940s in Italy by one Pietro Ferrero who was a pastry maker. In the second world war when cocoa was limited, they used less cocoa and combined it with other ingredients like; hazelnuts, sugar and on occasions even included a proportion of vegetable oil. This creation evolved to what is now known as Nutella, the globalization recognized today. Nutella has been around since the 1960s, and in the present time, it is reputed across eighty plus countries as an ingredient in bread spread, a baking assistance, and in the later years, as a base for an ice cream. 



Ninja Creami


Ninja Creami

To make Ninja Creami Nutella Ice Cream, you’ll need the following ingredients:

  • 1 cup of Nutella
  • 1 cup of heavy cream
  • 1 cup of whole milk
  • 1/2 cup of sugar
  • 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract
  • A pinch of salt

Special Notes:

  •  Make sure that the Nutella is not cold, leave it to come to room temperature, this will make it easier to mix. 
  •  It is also recommended to use high-quality dairy for the best outcome of this method. 
Ninja Creami


Ninja Creami
  1. Mix the Ingredients:
     In a big bowl, add nutella, heavy cream, whole milk, sugar, vanilla extract then the salt. 
     Whisk until the mixture is smooth and you have no grainy sugar at the bottom of the bowl.
  2. Freeze the Mixture:
    The sifted mixture should then be slowly poured into the pint container of the Ninja Creami. 
    Put the container in the freezer and allow it to freeze for about a day, preferably 24 hours. 
  3. Process in the Ninja Creami:
    Once the mixture is completely frozen pour it into the pint and place it into the Ninja Creami machine. 
    Process the mixture with the help of the “Ice Cream” function. This should literally take no more than five minutes depending on the type of machine that is being used. 
  4. Adjust for Perfect Texture:
    In case the ice cream has an undesirable crumbly texture, apply the ‘’Re-spin’’ option until you notice a smooth consistency. 
    Spoon some into cups and try the ice cream and change the sweetness of the Nutella or add more Nutella. 

Tips and Tricks:

  • In this step, all the ingredients need to be well mixed to avoid having graining, so this step is very important. 
  •  If you desire a thicker feel or creamier feel than simply using melted ice cream, mix a spoon of cornstarch before freezing. 

Variations and Additions

Ninja Creami

Customize your Ninja Creami Nutella Ice Cream with these variations and additions:

  1. Nutty Delight:
    • You can also add a chopped form of certain nuts like the hazelnuts or almonds to the mixture to add a little crunch to the cookies. 
  2. Chocolate Lover’s Dream:
    • Incorporate chocolate chips or chocolate chunks to even increase the added boost of an even richer choco-flavor. 
  3. Fruity Twist:
    • Dip the spoon in some raspberry or strawberry puree for a tangy taste on the Nutella. 

Health Benefits of Ninja Creami Nutella Ice Cream

Here are some of the key nutritional advantages:

1. Protein Content

 Protein is an essential nutrient required for synthesizing muscle tissues, enzymes, and hormones, besides sustaining muscularity Protein in Nutella ice cream can be sourced from dairy products such as heavy cream and whole milk besides Nutella, which also contains protein. 

  • Dairy Protein: The proteins in the heavy cream and whole milk that is used in the ice cream preparation meets all essential amino acid profiles. 
  • Hazelnut Protein: Every cup of Nutella contains a lot of nuts and particularly, the core ingredient, hazelnuts are an important source of plant based proteins. 

2. Calcium and Bone Health

Calcium needs are needed in the formation of bones and teeth, muscle and nerve transmission and for the normal working of the heart. Calcium is the best source derived from dairy products since they are commonly advertised as products rich in calcium. 

  • Dairy Calcium: Calcium is present in the heavy cream and whole milk in a rather high quantity as compared to others. It was also found that inclusion of foods rich in calcium in diet was useful in the retention of bones and preventing osteoporosis.

3. Healthy Fats

Fats are needed in the transport of fat soluble vitamins ( vitamins A, D, E and K), protection of vital human organs and maintaining the structural part of cells. As seen from the ingredients, Nutella ice cream is loaded with two types of fats namely the dairy derived fats and fats contained in the nuts-hazelnuts. 

  • Monounsaturated Fats: There is monounsaturated fats in Nutella and the primary ingredient is hazelnuts; these are acknowledged to decrease the LDL cholesterol levels and raise the HDL cholesterol.
  • Dairy Fats: The fat coming from heavy cream and whole milk gives energy as well as supports the working of cells. 

4. Vitamins and Minerals

Despite sounding and looking like it is sweet when you take Nutella Ice Cream, it is caked in vitamins and minerals which it accrues from the ingredients used in the preparation process hence healthy. 

  • Vitamin A:One of the fat soluble vitamins that can be sourced from dairy products; it plays roles such as in the vision, immune system, and skin.
  • Vitamin D: Daily found in different kinds of dairy, vitamin D promotes calcium intake and allows the building of good bone structure. 
  • Vitamin E: From the nutrient contents of the foods, we have vitamin E in the next shield of hazelnuts that protects the cells from damage.
  • Magnesium and Potassium: But it also contains magnesium which is much essential for muscle and nerve activities not mentioning potassium for hypertension control.

5. Antioxidants

Free radicals are not suitable molecules in the advanced level leading to oxidative stress and development of chronic diseases and antioxidants are agents which combat this destructive process. 

  • Cocoa Flavonoids: Chocolates contain flavonoids such as the epicatechin and the catechins, and these are well known to enhance the well being of a heart as well as helping in combating inflammation. 
  •  Hazelnut Antioxidants: Thus, they have the following antioxidants; The other compounds include the phenolics which work as cutters to cut or eliminate oxidative stress which is good for the whole body. 

6. Mood and Energy Boost

 Nutella ice cream is psychologically satisfying as it helps to improve the mood and charges the client with the needed energy for a while. 

  • Endorphin Release: Apart from the easily recognizable sweet impact of Nutella and ice creams, they can produce endorphins, which is a natural opium in the body. 
  •  Sugar and Energy: Chocolate, and fatty products such as Nutella and ice cream although are seen as bad and messy; In cases where you may be weary because you have exercised for an example throughout the day or just sitting for an exam or test and you want to get on; a piece of cake or a scoop of ice cream will be something to look forward to

7.Moderation and Balance

 Nevertheless, Nutella ice cream is healthy in certain ways, but one needs to reduce this treat because it contains a lot of sugar and calories. Here are some tips for enjoying Nutella ice cream as part of a balanced diet: 

  • Portion Control: In dessert, lay small portions so that they also can fulfill the need of the taste bud’s without suffocating the tummy. 
  •  Balanced Diet: It should be taken with food; ensure you are taking lots of foods, many fruits, vegetables, whole grain products and lean meat. 
  •  Physical Activity: Schedule yourself for some form of exercises so that the intake of such foods containing such high calorific value like Nutella ice cream will rarely be witnessed.

Serving Suggestions for Ninja Creami Nutella Ice Cream

Ninja Creami

 After making your Ninja Creami Nutella Ice Cream it’s recommended to serve this famous dessert in style and perhaps in as artistic manner as possible. Here are some serving suggestions to help you enjoy this delectable treat to the fullest:

1. Classic Cone or Bowl

  • Waffle Cone: Serve the Nutella ice cream in a crispy waffle cone as this is one of the traditional and convenient ways that is widely embraced.
  • Chilled Bowl: Some advice is to scoop the ice cream and serve it in a chilled bowl to make it an extended time before it will melt. Using a bowl that has been chilled prevents compromise of the creaminess of the ice cream. 

2. Toppings and Garnishes

  • Whipped Cream: A spoonful of freshly whipped cream on top is all that is needed to make it richer and lighter in texture.
  • Chocolate Syrup:  Spoon warm chocolate syrup over the ice cream for that extra something.
  • Chopped Nuts:  Add some chopped to provide a crunchy texture such as chopped hazelnuts, almonds or peanuts.
  • Fresh Berries:  Top with freshly picked raspberries, strawberries or blueberries which brightens up the Nutella and also compliments its creaminess.
  • Banana Slices: Pineapple slices; Add them to the recipe to incorporate the smooth and slightly sweet flavor that goes well with Nutella.
  • Sprinkles: this is particularly important for children; to make it colorful use colorful sprinkles.

3. Ice Cream Sandwiches

  • Cookie Sandwiches: Scoop a scoop of Nutella ice cream and sandwich it in between two cookies home-made or from a store chocolate chip, oatmeal, peanut butter.
  • Brownie Sandwiches: For further sensual pleasure, they should be using brownies in making the sandwich.

4. Milkshakes

  • Nutella Milkshake: Put as much as a whole spoon of Nutella ice cream in the milk as you will be using and then froth the mixture till it becomes foamy or until whichever is if you are making Nutella milkshake. The last layer should then be placed, where whipped cream is spread over the final layer and one can then pour over the chocolate syrup. 
  •  Banana Nutella Milkshake: Regarding Nutella banana milkshake, the given mix should be placed in the blender and moreover, a banana, preferably a ready to ripe banana must be added in the blender mixture. The banana that can also be used can help in the sweetening of the bread and compliments Nutella well.

Storage and Shelf Life

Proper storage is essential to maintain the freshness and quality of your Nutella ice cream: 

  1. Storing Leftovers:
    • Transfer any leftover ice cream to an airtight container for storage until ready to consume the next day. 
    • You can freeze this bake for up to 2 weeks, stored in the freezer.
  2. Preserving Freshness:
    •  To reduce the growth of ice crystals one needs to seal the ice cream container tightly and put a piece of plastic wrap right on the ice cream. 

For in-dept details : Click Here.


Ninja Creami Nutella Ice Cream is simple to make, savory delight that combines Nutella creaminess with ice cream delight. From the very beginning of having acquainted with Nutella history to getting the detailed serving advice, this guide enabled you to cook a delicious dish at home. If you do not want to miss this elegant taste and mixture then try this recipe and satisfy your taste buds. Happy ice cream making! 


Ninja Creami

How do I prepare Ninja Creami Nutella Ice Cream?

For the ice cream, combine all the ingredients along with the crushed ice and blend these for around 30 seconds transferring the mixture into the Ninja Creami pint container and invert for about 1 day then put it in the Ninja Creami and use the Ice cream button to freeze. 

Ninja Creami

Can I customize Ninja Creami Nutella Ice Cream? 

Yes, of course, you want to customize Ninja Creami Nutella Ice Cream, the franchise does allow for certain customizations, you can elaborate it with chopped nuts on top or choco chips or instead of banana, the fruit puree of raspberry or strawberry. 

Ninja Creami

How can I achieve a perfect creamy texture with Ninja Creami Nutella Ice Cream? 

Also suggested is the fact that all the courses should be blended at equal time intervals to prevent the mixture from attaining a grainy texture. After the processing stage, the ice cream should be soft; hence, if the ice cream is sandy after processing, one should remix the ice cream until creamy. 

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