Ninja Creami

Purple Sweet Potato Gnocchi Soup – Recipe#29

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Gnocchi Soup

Purple sweet potato gnocchi soup incorporates the essence of gnocchi soup with the visually appealing and healthwise enhanced ingredient, purple sweet potatoes. This pleasant invention is steadily becoming popular due to its taste, appealing look, as well as a list of benefits for the organism. The main special ingredient of the traditional gnocchi soup is none other than the purple sweet potatoes that contain antioxidants and vitamins.

History of Gnocchi

Dumplings akin to gnocchi date back to the Roman Empire that is why they are prepared in this tradition. At first, gnocchi were made with semolina or wheat flour; they took on their present-day form of potatoes after potatoes were first brought to Europe in the 16th century. Different sorts of gnocchi exist in essential culinary traditions with particular reference to the Italian gnocchi alla patate or potato gnocchi and the French gnocchis à la parisienne which is prepared with choux paste. The previous ways include the proportionate mixing of potatoes, flour, and eggs as the dough and then turned to thin sheets, cut into different shapes, and boiled to produce fluffy and soft gnocchi.

Purple Sweet Potato Gnocchi

Adding purple sweet potatoes as the primary ingredient to make gnocchi is an interesting twist to the ordinary dish. For decoration, purple sweet potatoes are used; Since it has a more colorful appearance than other potatoes and has a sweet-nutty taste. The bushes contain micronutrients, vitamin A and C, Vitamin C and fibers, which make the jackfruit seeds to be healthier than normal potatoes.

Gnocchi Soup

Pasta and noodles Gnocchi soup is a creamy Italian favorite meal made from the fluffy dumplings pan-fried before being served in a warm soup. This thick soup is available in many types and flavors, starting with chicken gnocchi soup to minestrone soup that contains lots of vegetables and gnocchi.

Purple Sweet Potato Gnocchi Soup Recipe


Ninja Creami


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  • 1 tablespoon olive oil
  • 1 onion, chopped
  • 2 cloves garlic, minced
  • 4 cups vegetable broth
  • 1 cup heavy cream
  • 2 cups spinach leaves
  • salt and pepper to your desired amount
  • This dish shows prepared purple sweet potato gnocchi
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  • Pour the olive oil in a large cooking pot, thus, start heating at medium heat range… If added,saute the onion and garlic until they soften.
  • Add the vegetable broth into it and let it boil.
  • Lower the heat and fold in the heavy cream. Simmer for 5 minutes.
  • Add and layer the spinach leaves with the spinach and turn the contents to mix the spinach and make sure it is wilted.
  • To which in case you prefer, add the salt and or the pepper to season it up.
  • Finally, put the prepared purple sweet potato gnocchi in the soup and let it simmer for another 2-3 minutes.
  • You can serve this immediately, hot, garnished with freshly grated Parmesan cheese if you wish.

Health Benefits of Purple Sweet Potato Gnocchi Soup:

  1. Rich in Antioxidants:

 That is why the sweet potatoes are purple in color: Anthocyanins, and it has antioxidant activity and counter free radical production and inflammation for the health benefit. This can assist in reducing the probability of developing incessant medical conditions such as cardiovascular disease, as well as cancer.

  1. High in Fiber: 

Purple sweet potatoes also have in it dietary fiber and this helps in digestion, regulation of cholesterol and obesity. Fiber also has the responsibility of promoting the favorable changes in colonic microflora which in its own right is vital for health.

  1. Vitamins and Minerals:

 These tubers contain Vitamin A and C the later being very vital in the production of the body immune system, skin and the eyes. It also supplies sources of big quantities of potassium, which is critical to blood pressure and manganese – which has its role in metabolism and bones.

Eating the following nutrients in performing the nutrition caloric breakdown of the soup recipe used here Nutritional values of the ingredients used in making the gnocchi soup are as follows: Gnocchi: 1 cup = 210 calories, 1g fat, 14 mg sodium, 42g carbohydrates, 7g protein Soup Stock: 6 cups = 1,200 calories, 10g fat, 900 mg sodium,

Nutritional Value of Gnocchi Soup

Gnocchi Soup

When combined in a soup, the gnocchi and broth create a balanced and nutritious meal:

  1. Carbohydrates and Protein: 

Potato and flour produced what was known as; gnocchi which is abundant with constant energy yielding foods owing to the presence of complex glycerides. It is rich in protein especially if prepared with eggs; protein is usually required for purposes of constructing matters in the muscles.

  1. Vegetable Broth:

 Adding enough quantity of vegetables in the form of a vegetable broth improves our vitamins and minerals except the soup has calories or fats. Tofu, available beans, meat , seafood can be added to the broths making the foods more nutritional with the addition of vitamin-bearing vegetables, herbs and spice.

  1. Healthy Fats: 

If it contains olive oil and heavy cream, it contains fat that is needed in the brain and manufacture of hormones. As for the health benefits, substitution with coconut milk can provide most of the properties with the added advantage of being non-dairy.

Health Benefits of the Combination

The fusion of purple sweet potatoes and gnocchi in a soup offers a delicious and healthful meal:

  1. Enhanced Nutrient Absorption: 

Occasionally, the nutrients in the soup, such as in the sweet potato gnocchi soup, can be better absorbed when prepared in this combination. For instance, the fat from the olive oil or cream to assimilate fat soluble vitamins from the vegetables.

  1. Balanced Meal: 

This soup contains the all three macronutrient groups, namely, the carbohydrates from the gnocchi, proteins from the meat and fats from butter and finally, many micronutrients from both of them. The precise ratio is important for countering fatigue and, at the same time, keeping oneself healthy.

  1. Supports Immune Function: 

Among the nutrients found in purple sweet potatoes, and the other vegetables incorporated in the preparation of the soup, vitamins and antioxidants tonic the immune system making the body tougher against fall subjecting ailments and illnesses.

  1. Anti-Inflammatory Properties: 

Purple sweet potatoes are nutritionally advantageous as do they have anti-inflammatory ability and that several constituents that are deployed in soup preparation like garlic and onions also have the anti-inflammatory ability hence reducing the probability of chronic diseases.

  1. Heart Health: 

The nutrients that can be found in purple sweet potatoes include Potassium, which helps regulate blood pressure as well as Fiber, which helps in regulating cholesterol. Collectively one can assert that these factors are conducive to cardiovascular health improvement.

Taste and Texture

The prepared dish of the purple sweet potato gnocchi soup was a work of art and the blend of the ingredients as well as the feel of the food was generally satisfying to the taste buds. The noodles itself is soft and a little bit sweet, bringing its sweet essence while balancing the creamy soup and spinach. Purple sweet potatoes are quite distinct from the regular ones because they give the soup a natural sweetness and some earthen taste that gives the soup a non-bland feel each time you take a spoonful.

Culinary Tips

  1. Cooking and Preparing:
    • Make sure the purple sweet potatoes are soft enough, and mashed well to obtain a good dough.
    • The dough should not be over kneaded to make the gnocchi tender when cooked.
  2. Garnishes and Additional Ingredients:
    • Sprinkle with fresh herbs like basil or parsley as this will add freshness to the dish.
    • You can also enrich the soup with vegetables; it can be carrots, celery, or mushrooms.
  3. Variations and Substitutions:
    • To make a change to the dairy option, use coconut milk instead of the heavy cream.
    • For a more filling soup you can add cooked chicken or sausage to your pot.

Cultural Significance

Gnocchi is amongst the uniquely Italian pasta and carries with it, a sense of familiarity as well as heritage. The benefit and usage of modified purple sweet potatoes in Asian and South American cuisines have been known, valued for its color. Even though such ingredients together create a soup, it can be seen as respecting the history and culture of cooking while incorporating new ideas at the same time.

For in-dept details: Click Here.


The soup recipe involving purple sweet potatoes is an invention in a way and traditional in another; it has rich tastes and several health blessings. It can therefore be said that this dish is a testimony of how set for gnocchi can be and the nutritional worth of the purple sweet potatoes. One should try making this beautiful and warm soup at home in order to taste this soup and its texture.


Ninja Creami

What is Purple Sweet Potato Gnocchi Soup? 

The next cuisine that has been incorporated in this list is the fusion cuisine, particularly, the Purple Sweet Potato Gnocchi Soup. This includes the traditional gnocchi dumplings soaked in a delicious creamy soup which is accompanied by the veggies like spinach.

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Do you know any modifications of this dish, namely Purple Sweet Potato Gnocchi Soup?

Optional modifications can be the addition of such vegetables such as carrots, celery, mushrooms and so on for the intensified spiciness and health benefits. It is also advisable to also decorate the soup with more fresh herbs such as basil or parsley.

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Thus, the question is, what cultural implications do the pairing of gnocchi and Japanese purple sweet potatoes have?

Gnocchi is a type of pasta, which stands for Italy, warmth and familiarization; conversely, the purple sweet potato is considered to be a unique product of Asia and South America that is valued for its nutritious and curative qualities, and a beautiful violet hue. The combination of these two components focuses on the theme of gastronomic intermingling and creation of new trends.

Ninja Creami

Gnocchi must be light and tender – How can I achieve this?

When making the dish, ensure you do not overwork the dough to ensure that the gnocchi is light textured. At the same time, make sure that the purple sweet potatoes are well cooked to make it easy to mash the dough to be purple.

Ninja Creami

May I warm the remaining Purple Sweet Potato Gnocchi Soup and can I reserve the remaining for the next three days?

Yes it is possible to reheat, the soup preferably ought to be stored in an airtight container within the refrigerator taking not more than 3 days. Before serving, reheat gently on the stove.

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