Ninja Creami

Purple Sweet Potato Hash Browns – Recipe#13

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 sweet potato hash browns

 So through the purple sweet potato hash browns there has been inclusion of health and tasty twist on what can now be regarded as one of the meals in a day. The way individuals accept the consumption of sweet potatoes in replacement of normal potatoes, this purple one is even more wanted. These hash browns can be taken in the morning as a breakfast or can be taken in the middle of the day or in the evening as a lunch or dinner respectively since people take hash browns due to the colorful purple nature of the sweet potatoes. 

Health Benefits of Purple Sweet Potato Hash Browns

 The hash browns prepared from the purple sweet potato are delicious, as well as healthy because of the numerous healthy inclusion and the generally healthy manner of preparation. Here’s a detailed look at the health benefits of purple sweet potato hash browns:

1. Nutrient-Dense

 Purple sweet potatoes have vitamins, minerals and antioxidants which are very essential in body activities. In the preparation of hash browns these nutrients are intact and therefore if you are wise of your health, then it is advisable that you take these hash browns. 

2. High in Antioxidants

 Specifically, the novel hash brown made from whole smart-purple sweet potatoes contains Anthocyanin; it is tasty and filled with antioxidants. These antioxidants have a role in reducing the impact of oxidative stress within the body which results in chronic diseases and aging. Hence, since you include the purple sweet potato hash browns in your meals, your body is well placed regarding the consumption of antioxidants not forgetting the fact that the body’s general wellness is enhanced. 

3. Excellent Source of Vitamins and Minerals

 They are particularly high in:

  • Vitamin A:Foods good for eyesight, enhances body’s defense and is perfect for the skin.
  • Vitamin C: Also, it plays a role in immune response, skin and has antioxidant function. 
  • Potassium:  It assists in controlling high blood pressure as well as fluid volume. 
  • Dietary Fiber: Helps in digestion and also gives a feeling that one has eaten to his or her fill.

 The nutrients which are present in the purple sweet potatoes are preserved once these are cooked into hash browns; this makes it a healthy food too for when taken as a side dish or incorporation in another meal. 

4. Supports Digestive Health

 Specific to the purple sweet potatoes, the mentioned dietary fiber when consumed in the preparation of hash browns is effective in the elimination of constipation. Fiber also has this ability to make one full hence helping emphasize portion control in instances of consumption of high calorie food.

5. Lower Glycemic Index Compared to White Potatoes

 Compared to white potatoes, the GI rating of the purple sweet potatoes seem to be lower. That is because it triggers small and continuous changes of the blood sugar level on its consumption which is rather useful in controlling and preventing blood sugar spikes and insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes. 

How to Select and Prepare Purple Sweet Potatoes

 Small tubers of this crop are sold in supermarkets and as a buyer expectantly passes through a supermarket seeking this crop, you need to buy tubers that have firm skin that is smooth, brightly purple colored and have no bruises or signs of rotting. For the hash browns, first of all, it is necessary to wash the potatoes with running water.

Rinse the potatoes and then using a potato peeler peel off the skin on the potatoes and grate it in a box grater or food processor. However, if so preferred, one is free to wash the grated potatoes in cold water for some minutes with a purpose of avoiding the steric access and then drain and blot for some time as one may wish with the clean towel. 

Recipe of Purple Sweet Potato Hash Browns:

Ninja Creami


Ninja Creami

Here is a simple and delicious recipe for making purple sweet potato hash browns:

  • 2 large purple sweet potatoes, peeled and grated
  • 1 small onion, finely chopped (optional)
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil or butter
  • Salt and pepper to taste
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1. Selecting and Preparing Purple Sweet Potatoes:

  • Choosing Fresh Sweet Potatoes:Select those that are firm, that have a smooth skin and preferably are purple in color without any soft patches on the skin. 
  • Washing and Peeling:  Rinse the sweet potatoes with clean water from the tap to clean the skin of the potato sweet that has dirt sticking on it. Skin should then be peeled off using the vegetable peeler. On the other hand, if you prefer having skin on because it brings on a crust and a number of vitamins, wash the sweet potatoes under high pressure or a brush.

2. Grating the Sweet Potatoes:

  • Equipment: This should be done with the help of a box grater, or a food processor with a grating blade. 
  • Grating Technique: You will then have to peel the sweet potatoes and then grate them into ribbons or thin batons. This followed by flipping the hash browns is responsible for evenly cooked hash browns and a crispy outer layer. However, you could use a shredding disc in your food processor, if you want your grating done faster. 

3. Soaking (Optional):

  • Removing Excess Starch: After grating the sweet potatoes, transfer this into a basin filled with cold water and let the grated sweet potatoes sit in the water for 2-3 minutes. This step assists in partially boiling hence reducing the amount of starch and giving the hash browns the crispy texture. Sweet potatoes are very soft and easy to peel when they are still warm, so after soaking, remove them from the water and dry them with a clean towel. 

4. Cooking the Hash Browns:

  • Heat Source: The choice of cooking utensil depends on the size of the meal; a large skillet or frying pan would do. If you can, non-stick pans are best but you may also use cast iron for a crispy feel on the outside. 
  • Adding Oil: Take a few tablespoons of olive oil, vegetable oil or butter and allow the oil to heat until it becomes hot but not smoking.
  • Forming Patties: TPortion out handfuls of the grated sweet potatoes and wet them gently to eliminate any moisture then shape into cakes or pat them flat on the pan. Before frying the potatoes, you can sprinkle some salt and pepper and any other kind of seasoning you desire. 
  • Cooking Time: Bake the hash browns without flipping them over for around 5-7 minutes and then flip each hash brown over before baking the other side for another 5-7 minutes. It further enables them to incorporate a crisp on the crust. Flip them over with the help of a spatula and let cook for another 5-7 minutes, until both sides are equally crispy and golden-brown.

Serving Suggestions

 sweet potato hash browns

 In the same regard, a hash brown made from purple sweet potatoes can be prepared in several ways. They are a great accompaniment to eggs, bacon or avocado and would therefore go well with breakfast. To accompany the amazing flavors of the dish, offer them with your choice of grilled chicken or fish for lunch or dinner. However, you can also get more creative by including them in a breakfast burrito, sandwich or as a bed for a vegetable /protein hash. 

Flavor Variations

 Heat will crystallize unsaturated fats and toughen proteins; the way sweet potato hash browns are cooked enhances their flavor: experiment with seasonings. One can try using fresh items such as adding rosemary, thyme or parsley to the food. Bold spices such as smoked paprika, cumin or chili powder will do the trick. Add your choice of cheddar/parmesan cheese directly into the batter before the preparation of the meal. It can be prepared in any form and you can always modify the hash browns depending on your preference. 

Benefits of Homemade Hash Browns

 The following are the benefits of making homemade purple sweet potato hash browns. There is a chance to choose components to create a dish and what you get is going to be free from preservatives and artificial additives. Pre preparation allows one to achieve a preferred taste and texture of food as well as the pleasure of preparing a healthy meal from raw food ingredients. Furthermore, hash browns made from scratch may also be nutritionally superior to instant hash browns because you control the quantity and types of oil as well as seasonings applied in it. 

Storage and Reheating Tips

 In case you have prepared more than you can eat or intend to prepare them ahead of time, allow the purple sweet potato hash browns to cool down completely, then transfer to an airtight jar or container. Refrigerate/store it in the fridge for about 3 days. To reheat, put the hash browns in a preheated oven at 375°F (190°C) for approx. 10 min or until thoroughly warm and crispy on the outside. You can also warm them on a non-stick pan over medium heat, adding a couple spoon of oil to make them crispy again. 

Nutritional Comparison with Regular Hash Browns

 As already mentioned, purple sweet potato hash browns are not actually hash browns but occupational hash browns while hash browns are occupational potato species produced from the white potatoes and there are some nutritional differences between the two. Compared to the light-purple sweet potatoes, generally, the calories and carbohydrates content in the purple type is considerably lower with significantly higher fiber, vitamin, and antioxidants content. This makes them more energy-dense, and thus healthier, for the body than ball shaped foods as they make people check their portion control. 

For in-dept details: Click Here.

Conclusion : Purple Sweet Potato Hash Browns

 Below are some of the ways that it is beneficial to integrate purple sweet potato hash browns in your meals. These are delicious fruits to take, they possess colorful skin, distinctive taste, and they contain several nutrients which are very useful to the body. Also, no matter whether you like to consume them in the morning as the traditional hash browns or at any other time of the day, homemade purple sweet potato hash browns are appealing and useful. Try out this recipe and find out the various meals that you can take using this colorful and healthy meal. 

FAQs of Purple Sweet Potato Hash Browns

Ninja Creami

What are purple sweet potato hash browns? 

They come as purple sweet potato hash browns which are a colorful twist of the normal hash browns grated from the sweet potatoes. It sets out as a different type of potato hash brown since it has a flavor and color that differs from the other combination.

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What are the health benefits of purple sweet potato hash browns? 

Purple sweet potato hash browns are packed with nutrients, more so as they are a source of anthocyanin and possesses vitamin A and C and potassium among others. It is used to promote digestive health that can have cruciferous anti-inflammatory features, and tends to have a lower glycemic index than white potatoes.

Ninja Creami

How do you select and prepare purple sweet potatoes for hash browns?

Choose mature, firm, and unblemished purple skin sweet potatoes for the firm. Just thoroughly rinse with water, and peel off the skin, and grate them using a box grater or a food processor if available. Rinsing the grated potato in cold water can wash off some of this starch, and therefore produce better crisp hash browns. 

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