Ninja Creami

Purple Sweet Potato Hummus – Recipe#23

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Sweet Potato Hummus

So therefore the variation of this recipe; the purple sweet potato hummus, can be considered slightly more preferable because of the violet hue associated with the tuber as well as being a lot healthier than the ‘red’ hummus. However, considering that the less frequently used types of hummus preparations are gradually making their way to the market and people’s hearts, the intensely purple sweet potato hummus should also be recognized as the winner and the most beneficial of all the analyzed options due to its striking and rather enticing color. Sweet potatoes are vitamin optimized; it is rich in antioxidants and contains fiber; thus, it is among the food type that one should opt for. 

History of Hummus

 But nevertheless, the transportation of this grain across the Mediterranean sea became rather spicy and for that reason, hummus is singled out with probabilities of having been developed by the Middle Easterners as most probably existed at prehistoric times. The base recipes used in preparation of hummus involve the use of raw materials such as chickpeas, tahini, olive oil and lemon juice together with garlic. As time went on, hummus matured and new tastes and types were introduced, and new combinations are turning out, to satisfy all palates. The versatility has indeed made hummus to be accepted in different parts of the world and made a constant companion for many people. 

Purple Sweet Potato Varieties

 There are Okinawan, Stokes, and Murasaki sweet potatoes that you come across in the purple color. Every one of them is less or more sweet and less or more calorific but all of them are loaded with antioxidants, vitamins and minerals. These sweet potatoes are darker purple in color due to lots of anthocyanins antioxidants which bear many health values. Purple sweet potatoes are very soft and have a slightly sweet taste with a nutty finish and they go well with the silky texture of hummus.

Benefits of Purple Sweet Potatoes

 Apart from being colorful, the purple sweet potatoes are healthy for consumption. They are also viewed as a rich source of nutrients as listed below; Vitamin A and C, fiber, potassium among others. Therefore, the drink for instance supposing that it may contain high percentages of antioxidants, deals a powerful blow to the inflamed areas and the rest of the body systems. However, purple sweet potatoes can be consumed to help with digestion because they are rich in fiber knowing fully that fiber is present in large quantities hence should be included in peoples’ diets.

Making Purple Sweet Potato Hummus

Creating purple sweet potato hummus at home is simple and rewarding. Follow this step-by-step guide to make your own:


Ninja Creami


Ninja Creami
  • 25g, ½ cup cooked purple sweet potatoes, mashed 
  •  1 C can (15 oz. ) chickpeas, rinsed and drained 
  •  1/4 cup tahini 
  •  2 tbsp olive oil 
  •  2 tbsp lemon juice 
  •  2 cloves garlic, minced 
  •  1/2 tsp ground cumin 
  •  Salt and pepper to the desired taste.
  1. Add the mashed purple sweet potatoes, chickpeas, tahini, olive oil, lemon juice, and garlic in a blender/food processor. 
  2.  Paired until the consistency is thick and smooth, some water may be added but not too much. 
  3.  This should then be seasoned with cumin, salt, and pepper by taste. 
  4.  Spoon into a serving bowl and if required, pour more olive oil over it.


  • When making it smooth, it is recommended that you remove the skin of the chickpeas before blending. 
  •  You may use more lemon juice or garlic depending on how strong the taste of the dressing is.

Serving Suggestions

 This is how the purple sweet potato hummus can be served; Eye appealing presentation techniques. It is best eaten together with fresh vegetables, pita bread or crackers making it a healthy snack to munch on. However, it can also be spread on sandwich breads or used to prepare wraps; or it can be used as a decorative dip on platters for parties. Most foods can be enhanced aesthetically and nutritionally by including purple sweet potato hummus as part of the dish.

Purple Sweet Potato Hummus Variations

 Adjusting the flavor of purple sweet potato hummus is very flexible, and there is a lot that one can do. Additions that go well with roasted red peppers include fresh herbs such as cilantro or parsley, finally, a pinch of smoked paprika may also be used. A creation of a particular texture can also be adopted in this context such as use of nuts or seeds in preparing crunchy toppings.

Health Benefits of Purple Sweet Potato Hummus

Sweet Potato Hummus

1. Rich in Antioxidants


  •  This bright purple color results from anthocyanins that have abilities to shield cell damage, cut inflammation levels and decrease potential risks of different sorts of chronic diseases including heart diseases and cancer.

2. Supports Digestive Health

High Fiber Content:

  •  Chickpeas and purple sweet potatoes are both rich in dietary fiber, a such food aid in easing bowel movement hence avoiding constipation. It also assists the body; in particular, the upkeep of the gut flora that is important to the correct functioning of the digestive system.

3. Promotes Heart Health

Healthy Fats: 

  •  The core raw materials utilized in the preparation of hummus such as tahini and the olive oil contain monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids needed to reduce the level of the ‘’bad’ cholesterol and therefore, diminishing the chances of acquiring a disease associated with the heart. 


  •  Purple sweet potatoes contain potassium, a Mineral that functions in the maintenance of blood pressure and this is due to the direct action with the sodium. 

4. Blood Sugar Regulation

Low Glycemic Index:

  •  Compared to normal sweet potatoes, the dark purple type of sweet potatoes are low in glycemic indexes, therefore slow and stable digestion is promoted which helps in controlling the level of sugar in the blood. This can be of help, especially to diabetes patients or individuals that have a desire to monitor their glycemic index levels.

Protein and Fiber Synergy:

  •  The protein found in chickpeas and the fiber obtained from the chickpeas and the sweet potatoes intends to delay the breakdown of sugars that aids in blood sugar regulation.

5. Immune System Boost

Vitamins A and C:

  • In the prescriptions, there are foods containing vitamin A and the foods containing vitamin C, and purple sweet potatoes are qualified for the two aspects. It partakes in the development of white blood cells that assist in the combating of infection and defense.

6. Weight Management

Low in Calories and Fat:

  •  The calorie and fat content of purple sweet potato hummus are considerably low, therefore, this snack is useful in weight loss. Due to the high fiber and protein content, you can be assured of getting a feeling of fullness hence avoiding the common cycle of overeating.

7. Anti-Inflammatory Properties

Anthocyanins and Other Phytochemicals:

  •  The colorant compounds found in purple sweet potatoes as well as other phytochemicals can therefore go a long way in combating inflamed illnesses; arthritis and inflammatory bowel disease inclusive.

8. Nutrient-Dense

Vitamin and Minerals:

  • Nutrients that can be gotten from purple sweet potatoes include; vitamin A, vitamin C, K, potassium and manganese. The presence of chickpeas activates other nutrients like iron, folic aids and magnesium Therefore; this nature of hummus can be described as nutritious.

 Many manufacturers have taken the gimmick of having different kinds of hummus flavors; some of which includes the purple sweet potato hummus. Some of the best brands that sell purple sweet potato hummus are Hope Foods, Ithaca Hummus, and Lantana Hummus. These products can be purchased in grocery stores and on the net and usually comes with praises as to their delicious taste and wonderful texture.

For in-dept details: Click Here.


 Rendering a blend of the traditional taste and flavor of a common dip recipe, the purple sweet potato hummus is also a great source of vitamins and nutrients. It comes in a bright color, it tastes rich, and it is endowed with numerous nutritional values that makes it unique for any occasion. originating from home or the grocery store, this hummus is sensational. Try it and you won’t be disappointed; this is how delightfully good and nutritious the purple sweet potato hummus is. Let us know your experiences or feedback and here you have a colorful and healthy snack.


Ninja Creami

Purple sweet potato hummus is a mature food that is derived from purplizer sweet potatoes and most common hummus ingredients, garnishing and blending processes.

However, the hummus made from purple sweet potatoes is a novel kind of food that resembles the traditional hummus to the extent. The make-shift recipe for this particular hummus is as simple as the one above, mashed purple sweet potatoes with the enhancements of chickpeas, tahini, olive oil, lemon juice and garlic.

Ninja Creami

What is the process of incorporating the purple sweet potato into the preparation of the hummus?

To prepare the purple sweet potato hummus, the following should be mixed in a food processor; A cup of mashed boiled purple sweet potatoes, one can of chickpeas one/4 cup of tahini, 2 tablespoons of olive oil, 2 tablespoons of lemon juice, 2 minced cloves of garlic, ½ teaspoon ground cumin, salt and pepper. Blend it to the ground form and to the required pasty or thick form depending on the amount of water required.

Ninja Creami

Can you make amendments on the recipe for the preparation of the purple sweet potato hummus?

Of course, can put as an ingredient of this sauce roasted red peppers or fresh greens like coriander or parsley or spices like smoked peppers. The topping is also not compulsory though one can garnish this with a crisp topping of nuts or seeds on top of it.

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