Ninja Creami

Purple Sweet Potato Mash – Recipe#03

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Purple Sweet Potato Mash

These mashed potatoes bear sweet potato pies’ taste like those purplish tubers when cooked in the normal starchy manner, something that is refreshing to the ingenuity of chefs. Thus, the objectives of this paper are the following: To describe the appearance and texture of the purple sweet potato mash; To inform about the nutritive value of this dish; To indicate that the purple sweet potato mash can be consumed in various manners due to its popularity.

This specific food contains all the nutrients and these nutrients are very important in the body. USDA and other research claim it to be packed with antioxidants, vitamins and minerals needed in diet. They are frequently found in foods and can be used not only in sweets but also in other meals; this factor makes those who prepare foods to prefer it.

Health Benefits of Purple Sweet Potato Mash

 Apart from being a delicious recipe, purple sweet potatoes are nutritious, and offer several boosts to purple sweet’s health attributes that it gains from this crop. 

 1. Rich in Antioxidants 

 Nevertheless, a cross-sectional study revealed that ; Postmenopausal women in Taiwan have high antioxidant levels, specifically in purple sweet potatoes. The pretty violet skin of these potatoes results from the formation of anthocyanin – bioactive compounds in nature with antioxidant effects. Like the flavonoids, anthocyanins also have antioxidant properties which implies that they help in the regulation of free radicals in the body which in most cases is a menace to the cells. By this role, these antioxidants perform the general health maintenance and may possibly lower down the rates of such diseases as cardiovascular, diabetes, and certain types of cancer. 

 2. Supports Heart Health 

 From the findings of the present study it can be inferred that sweet potatoes of purple color have substances that are effectively good for the heart. For instance, potassium helps to prevent the impact of sodium because it reduces tension in the vessels’ walls. This mineral plays a crucial role in the prevention of high blood pressure and therefore cutting short cubist and heart diseases. 

 Also, the consumed fiber in purple sweet potatoes works to the advantage of the cardiovascular system as it helps to lower cholesterol. Fiber has characteristics of chelating cholesterol in the small intestine hence reduces the opportunity for cholesterol to be transported in the bloodstream. This process also helps in the reduction of chance of depositing LDL (bad) cholesterol and in turn helps the body’s cardiovascular activity. 

 3. Boosts Immunity 

 There other micronutrient that the purple sweet potatoes contain is vitamin C which is the nutrient that strengthens the immunity. The stock vitamin C increases the power of white blood cells and performs an effective work in supporting the immune attack. In the human body, immunity is very central in protecting the body from diseases and overall health thus the need to incorporate foods that boost the immunity system and one of the immunity boosting foods is the purple sweet potatoes. 

 4. Enhances Digestive Health 

 The gig fiber aspect in purple sweet potatoes has received value addition due to its contribution to the proper functioning of the digestive system. Fiber expands in the stomach and as a result, the size of the fecal mass is enhanced hence passing would be easy without much strain. Fiber also encourages the growth of healthy bacteria in the colon with a view of improving digestion and avoiding conditions such as diverticulosis and the IBS. 

 5. Promotes good Vision and general skin health 

Purple sweet potato thus has vitamin A in the shielding of the eyes, the cover and in the lining of the mouth, throat and the stomach. Antioxidant Vitamin A has the function of formation of rhodopsin, this is a substance in the eyes that plays the role of helping the eyes to adapt to the darkness. This benefits skin health because of their healing properties regarding skin cells, causes skin cells to replicate and get a youthful appearance, and skin integral strength due to UV destruction prevention. 

 6. Anti-Inflammatory Properties 

 It is quite vivid that inflammation is a normal physiological response and essential for the proper functioning of the body; nonetheless, chronic inflammation is stimulating some dissimilar diseases like arthritis or heart diseases. Consequently, because of the presence of Anthocyanin and other phytonutrients, these purple sweet potatoes contain anti-inflammatory that can help in bringing down the inflammation levels in the body. These compounds assist in the retention of the functionalities of joints and overall well being of the body as a result of the decrease in inflammation. 

How to get More of Purple Sweet Potatoes in your Diet 

Purple Sweet Potato Mash

 Thus, for the health aspects to be part of the inclusion of purple sweet potatoes, the product should be applied in diet consistently. Such they can be boiled, fried or grilled, or baked as in the case of fries, mashed or even in the preparation of pies and puddings. It is a smart way of enhancing people’s nutrition controversy; the nutrient-dense purple sweet potatoes when incorporated into one’s meals are not only attractive to the eye, but also nutritious to boot. 

 In total, and as a result of its antioxidant, vitamin and mineral, as well as fiber content, the consumption of a purple sweet potato is a health advantage. From suppliers of vitamins for the heart and immunity to the boosters of stomach/ki skin health, these colorful tubers are perfect and healthy for human consumption. In return you should incorporate purple sweet potatoes into your foods so that you enjoy tasty and healthy foods. 



Ninja Creami


Ninja Creami
  • Two of the medium size purple sweet potatoes 
  •  2-3 tablespoons butter/olive oil 
  •  Coarse black pepper, ground white pepper to taste, salt 
  •  Optional: For the flavors, the basic ingredients to sprinkle over the dish are garlic powder, thyme or other preferable spices. 
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Step by step guide on how to prepare this healthy and colorful dish is as follows:

1. Peeling and Cutting:
  • The first process is to wash the potatoes and ensure that there is no form of dirt that will be found on the potatoes.
  • As for potatoes it is suggested to remove its skin preferably with the help of a vegetable peeler. If however, you intend to keep the skin on as it is believed to be more delicious and nutritious, then it would be wise to wash the potatoes.
  •  It is recommended that potatoes should be peeled and cut to Machismo to ensure they cook well. For the potatoes to obtain even more of the vinegar marinade, they should be cut into even sizes. 
2. Boiling: 
  •  It is preferred to peel the potatoes, although you can leave Them skin on if you wish, cut large pieces and place Them in a large pot of cold water. Insist on adding cold water to boil the potatoes because the intention is not to cook the outside part while the inside part is still hard. 
  •  Add the water into the pot and then power it on the medium-high heat and allow the water to boil. Once it begins to boil, reduce the heat and allow the potatoes to cook in boiling liquid until they are tender. This normally takes around 15-20 minutes, longer if you have cut your pieces of the potatoes really big. 
3. Mashing: 
  • Regarding the cooking time of boiled potatoes on a stove, it takes 30-40 minutes or until you can successfully puncture the potatoes easily with a fork without much push, then turn off the stove and drain the potatoes preferably using a colander or a fine mesh sieve. 
  •  Place the potatoes which you have washed back into the pot. Pour in butter or olive oil, or both while the preparation is still hot. The hot liquid also helps in cutting the butter and mixing the same easily to the mash. 
  •  Pour the hot cream over the potatoes and then proceed to mash the potatoes to the kind of smoothness you desire using a potato masher or a fork. There are those who like their mashed smooth and without any lump while on the other side, there are those that like mashed with lumps and more lumps. 
  •  Sprinkle in the salt and pepper into mashed potatoes to the preferred taste. One can also add such things as garlic powder, thyme, or any type of seasoning of their desire. Stir it up and ensure that it spreads all over the mash with all the flavors that are present. 
4. Adjust Seasoning and Serve: 
  • With a spoon scoop some of the mashed potatoes and put it in your mouth for taste and apply seasoning if the mashed potatoes require it. If more salt and pepper is required or if more butter/oil is required for extra enhancement of flavors then more should be added. 
  •  Additionally, you can prepare the purple sweet potato mash and eat it warm together with other foods or include it in other preparations. The preparation method of this food makes it perfect to be eaten with other foods particularly starchy foods although it can be taken alone. 

Tips and Variations: 

  1.  Creamier Texture: To make the mashed potatoes even richer, squirt a little of milk/cream in as you Mash the potatoes. 
  2.  Flavor Enhancements: Select the herbs and spices and experiment with the proportions to get the best results. It is recommended to add parsley or chives typical for most of the vegetable soup recipes which will give a rather refreshing note to the soup. To add some warming up note one will want to add some nutmeg or paprika. 
  3.  Sweet Variation: If you want the mash to be sweeter then you may also add maple syrup or honey, mix the mash and then serve. 

Serving Suggestions and Pairings 

  1.  Purple sweet potato mash can be served in various ways: There are also different types of presentation when it comes to purple sweet potato mash: 
  2.  Side Dish: It is best eaten barbecued chicken or fish to increase its colorful and healthy point or attribute of the dish. 
  3.  Base for Other Dishes: It is perfectly suitable to use as the first layer for the shepherd’s pie; however, if mixed with the mashed potato, the dish will make a good vegetarian meal if topped with the roasted vegetables. 
  4.  Sweet Treat: Replace sweets and sweeteners with a drizzle of maple syrup in beverages or in sweets moderation. 

For in-dept details: Click Here.


 Thus, apart from the beauty aspect as will be complemented by the purple shade, the APS sweet potato mash will offer all the nutrients as mentioned above in addition to quality taste. Thus, as it has highly perishable antioxidant capability in it, containing vitamins and minerals, it would be very beneficial to add it to the diet. In regard to the choice of the preparation – as a side dish or a dessert – the purple sweet potato mash introduces the idea of palatability and taste that could augment value to any dish. 

 They need to encourage the readers to go out and purchase purple sweet potatoes and attempt to incorporate the root vegetable in various recipes. Therefore, the nutrient rich roots were incorporated into their diet whereby they were enabled not only to relish the taste of the purple sweet potatoes but also qualities of the root as well. Prepare the recipe below and start enjoying your healthy meal that is tasty at the same time. 


Ninja Creami

What features differentiate purple sweet potatoes from the normal sweet potatoes that are in the market?

Purple sweet potatoes have dark purple skin and light purple flesh; they are an eye-pleasing vegetable owing to this skin color coupled with a sweeter taste, credit to high anthocyanin. It is due to these antioxidants that they make them so delicious with the natural purple color which are also good for the body.

Ninja Creami

What is good about purple sweet potatoes?

Purple sweet potatoes have other vitamins like anthocyanin that expel the free radicals found in the body hence lowering on instances of diseases like heart diseases and cancer. They also protect the health of the heart because they can prevent the impact of some effects of the blood pressure and because they prevent cholesterol because of the potassium and the fiber.

Ninja Creami

In which dishes can I add purple sweet potatoes?

Sweet potatoes are in varieties of color though one of the most common types that can be found is the purple sweet potatoes which can be taken in a form of mashed sweet potatoes, roasted sweet potatoes as well as being used in baking, especially in the preparation of sweets. They can be used as a forte for the reliable foods, they can be used as a base for meat, chicken, fish or vegetables as for example in shepherd’s pie, or they can be used for making sweet foods including the pies or puddings.

Ninja Creami

What are some things that you should remember when you are preparing purple sweet potato mash?

To prepare purple sweet potato mash the first thing that is done is washing the potato and removing its skin after which it is chopped into small pieces. Stew till tender and purée the vegetables in a food mill with a decision to butter the vegetables to create the mashed vegetables that one can season with salt, pepper and extra spices and herbs. For thickness, increase milk/cream or for a maple syrupy drink, add in more maple syrup.

Ninja Creami

Can purple sweet potato mash be served together with other foods?

Yes, sweet potato mash is able to be accompanied by many dishes due to its purple presentation. The combining makes it possible for it to be prepared in a colorful side dish to grilled meats or fish, a base for vegetarian associated with roasted vegetables, and even a dessert with the addition of maple syrup.

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