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Purple Sweet Potato Pudding – Recipe#12

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Sweet Potato Pudding

Sweet potato mixed and cooked into a dish then baked in pudding form is as a matter of fact a good, healthy and even tasty dish in most or many cultures. A colorful and attractive pudding meal that hails from the purple sweet potato, this meal is a rich source of many vitamins that can be possessed by the body. It is a Swedish dessert that will make one happier and may potentially become the serious antithesis to fast food in case lean ingredients are incorporated. 

Health Benefits of Sweet Potato Pudding

Rich in FiberHence, several philosophers always considered sweet potatoes to contain a rich proportion of dietary fiber. Fiber is needed in the proper digestion of foods averts incidences of constipation and also very vital in the well being of any given persons internal system.
High in AntioxidantsEat sweet potato pudding especially baked purple sweet potatoes because they contain antioxidants. Said anthocyanin pigment found in the purple sweet potatoes is very useful in combating and clearing free radicals from the system. It is able to decrease the amounts of free radicals within the body and therefore diseases like heart diseases, cancer, and neurodegenerative illnesses are averted. 
Supports Immune FunctionVitamin A is known to help build strong immunity and sweet potatoes are loaded with this vitamin along with vitamin C. Vitamin A greatly assists in the protection of the skin and other forms of mucous membranes, which are major barriers of the body against pathogens. Vitamin C is another vitamin that has immunological effect and is a strong abettor of collagen that is necessary for healthy skin. 
Promotes Eye Health The nutritional benefit associated with sweet potatoes is that they contain vast amounts of vitamins, particularly vitamin A which boost eye health. Vitamin A is required by the body to have proper vision and people with Vit A deficiency do have problems with night blindness and several vision complications. Sweet potato pudding is good and a staple food to consume often because it prevents one from having among other eye complications in the course of aging. 
Anti-Inflammatory Properties Purple sweet potatoes containing anthocyanins have anti-inflammatory substances. Thus, chronic inflammation is associated with certain diseases such as arthritis, heart diseases and cancer. Inflammation is a major killer, therefore eating foods that do not cause inflammation like sweet potato pudding should be encouraged. 
Regulates Blood Sugar LevelsNevertheless, sweet potatoes are low in GI, which implies that they take longer to increase the levels of glucose in the bloodstream. Therefore sweet potato pudding is a healthier dessert to be consumed by anyone who has diabetes or such persons who do not wish to consume food that will cause fluctuations in the blood sugar levels. 
Supports Healthy SkinVitamin A and C which is present in the sweet potatoes is effective for healthy skin. Vitamin A assists in cell regeneration and skin replacement thus contributes to the skin appearance and its health. It is a known fact that Vitamin C is necessary in the formation of collagen, thus, responsible for firmer skin. Consuming sweet potato pudding can help to obtain healthy and beautiful skin since the aforementioned is a dream wishing for healthy skin. 
Aids in Weight Management Being rich in fibers but not very rich in calories, sweet potatoes are indeed very good for those wishing to lose some weight. Fiber slows down digestion and the emptying of your stomach, lowering your food intake throughout the whole day. To all the sweet lovers out there, sweet potato pudding is definitely something you would not mind chomping on since it is relatively light and yet sweet. 
Provides Essential Nutrients There are other nutrients that are found in sweet potatoes other than the vitamins A & C they include potassium, manganese, and B vitamins. Adequate amounts of potassium in the body are useful in the transport of fluids in and out of the cells and in the stimulation of nerves and muscles. Manganese also participates in the metabolic processes, including creation of bones. The B group of vitamins is very vital in metabolism; especially in the formation of energy in the body, especially the nervous system. 
Supports Heart Health  It also helps in moderating the effect of sodium, which is present in this food and therefore is healthy as far as moderation of the blood pressure is concerned. Hypotension is also crucial for normal blood flow and avoiding stroke which is related to the heart. Therefore, sweet potatoes have fiber and antioxidants for the functioning of heart health. 
 The health functionality might also be ingested in sweet recipes taking the sweet potato pudding for instance. Therefore, striving to make these values as low as possible, a tasty and healthy dessert can be made for the useful effect of the human body. 

Nutritional Value of Purple Sweet Potatoes

Sweet Potato Pudding

A 100-gram serving of purple sweet potatoes provides approximately:

  • Calories: 86
  • Carbohydrates: 20 grams
  • Fiber: 3 grams
  • Sugars: 4.2 grams
  • Protein: 1.6 grams
  • Fat: 0.1 grams
  • Vitamin A: 8,509 IU which is 170 percent of the daily recommended and acceptable SI units. 
  •  Vitamin C: 2. 4 milligrams of the (4% Daily Value) 


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  • 2 large purple sweet potatoes
  • 1 cup coconut milk
  • 1/2 cup sugar (or to taste)
  • 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 1/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon
  • A pinch of salt

Equipment Needed:

  • Vegetable peeler
  • Cutting board
  • Knife
  • Steamer or large pot
  • Potato masher or food processor
  • Medium-sized saucepan
  • Wooden spoon or spatula
  • Measuring cups and spoons
  • Serving dishes
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Prepare the Sweet Potatoes

  • Peel and Cut: First of all, wash the purple sweet potatoes and use a vegetable peeler to peel the potatoes. Stack them in portions that should allow even grilling, ideally, large enough to grill for a certain degree of doneness, which could be 1-2 inches large. 
  •  Rinse: Before boiling the sweet potato chunks, it is recommended to wash them with cold water in order to wash off the dirt.

Cook the Sweet Potatoes

  • Steam or Boil: Put sweet potato pieces into a steamer insert with boiling water, or put the sweet potato chunks into boiling water directly in a large pot. Simmer the sweet potatoes until soft, a sharp fork should penetrate through them, within 15-20 minutes approximately in total. 
  • Drain and Cool: When boiling, preferably, make the sweet potatoes drain in a colander and wait until slightly cool. 

Mash the Sweet Potatoes

  • Mash:  Take the cooked sweet potatoes and place them in a big bowl. Among these, the lumpy ones have to be smashed with a potato masher until they’re completely pasty. You can mash the sweet potatoes until it becomes very smooth but for even more smoothness they can be put through a food processor. 

Mix the Ingredients

  • Combine in Saucepan: In a medium saucepan, using the potato masher, mash the sweet potatoes. 
  •  Stir:This way, guarantee that the ingredients shall mix well to blend with the other ones.

Cook the Pudding

  • Heat:  Pour the mixture into a saucepan and put this on the stove, over medium heat. Simmer the blend by adding more soup or water, while stirring it with a wooden spoon or spatula to avoid burning it. 
  • Thicken:Cook for another 10-15 minutes or until the pudding becomes thick according to your preference. When combined, it should turn out to be relatively smooth and creamy. 
  • Adjust Sweetness: Include more sugar should the pudding turn out less sweet after the taste. Mix gently to fold in any more sugar if there is need for that. 

Cool and Serve

  • Remove from Heat: The pudding should be thick; when it reaches the right consistency take the saucepan out of the heat. 
  • Cool Slightly:  This pudding is best served warm; however, allow it to cool for a few minutes and then transfer into serving dishes. 
  • Serve Warm or Chilled: It is also recommended to enjoy the pudding warm while you can also set it aside until it cools down to room temperature and then chill it off in the refrigerator for a cold dessert. Should they be refrigerated, completely cover the serving dishes with plastic wrap to avoid the formation of skin on the surface of the pudding. 

Tips for Enhancing the Flavor of Purple Sweet Potato Pudding

  • Add Spices: Try to use other spices such as nutmeg for a deeper flavor addition, cardamom or ginger for the spice to make the dish richer. 
  • Sweeteners: Replace sugar with natural sugar such as honey, maple syrup etc. 
  • Flavor Infusions: Add a blend of citrus zest of your preferred type or slightly sprinkle the almond extract in the pudding mixture.

Serving Suggestions for Purple Sweet Potato Pudding

  • Classic: You can present the pudding in the same dish you cooked it in, warm or chilled and garnish it simply with a spoonful of whipped cream or a pinch of cinnamon.
  • Layered: pour the pudding on top of the previous layer; alternate the other layer with granola, yogurt, or fresh fruit in the glass. 
  • Parfait: Layer the ingredients in a way that they will be more delightful to look at such as the parfait with layers of pudding, crushed cookies, and fruit compote.
  • Festive:  Add edible flowers or colorful fruit slices for a festive look at the special occasions. 

For in-dept details: Click Here.


In its current form as a pudding, the purple sweet potato can be consumed by many people of all ages as part of a delicious treat. They appear shiny and attractively vibrant and with a burst of its flavorful taste they are satisfying to the palate. Since purple sweet potato pudding is very simple to make and contains essential nutrients, it is a perfect dish for any sweet course. 


Ninja Creami

What is purple sweet potato pudding?

 Purple sweet potato pudding is a light and polishing dish that has certain levels of nutrition thanks to the purple sweet potatoes used in its preparation. It is used for colorful purposes or for the pleasant taste which people associate it with or for health activities thought to be attributable to the product. 

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How does sweet potato pudding support digestive health?

 There is a very high content of dietary fiber in sweet potatoes that helps in digestion, cure for constipation and better health of the guts. Fiber rich meals are also thought to have an impact on the decreased incidences of type 2 diabetes and heart diseases in people. 

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Can sweet potato pudding boost my immune system?

 Yes, sweet potatoes contain vitamin A and vitamin C which assists the body in erecting a proper defense. Vitamin A enhances your skin and the lining of your body on the flip side, vitamin C strengthens and acts as an antioxidant while constructing collagen to the cells of your body. 

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How does sweet potato pudding promote eye health?

 The leading source of vitamin A known to have braces on sweet potatoes to enhance the health of the eyes was reported to contain one of the highest levels. It controls growth of the heart muscles, bones and teeth, a person cannot have blindness or any related eye problem as caused by age. 

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Does sweet potato pudding have anti-inflammatory properties?

 Yes, it is composed of elements like anthocyanins, A Class that has the ability to reverse inflammation and we are shielded from arthritis, heart diseases and cancer. 

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Is sweet potato pudding suitable for people with diabetes?

 Sweet potatoes are GI foods because it takes a longer time and a lesser amount to increase the levels of glucose content in the blood. For this reason, sweet potato pudding is recommended to those groups of people with diabetes or anyone who wants to indulge in low glycemic index products. 

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How can sweet potato pudding benefit my skin?

 Sweet potatoes have vitamins that are crucial for quick reinforcement of cells and since cell’s replacement is the key to glowing skin, it can be helpful. Vitamin C plays an extremely important role in scaffolding collage since it is important to the elastic nature and firmness of the skin. 

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8. Can sweet potato pudding help with weight management?

 Yes, sweet potatoes are low calorie foods that are highly packed with fiber and this makes the client feel full with least consumption of calories. Perhaps, sweet potato pudding may be recommended for consumption for diabetic diets in as much as they are satisfying the urge of taking sweets. 

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