Ninja Creami

Purple Sweet Potato Smoothie – Recipe#30

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Sweet Potato Smoothie

The hue is especially trending up most especially with those health and nutrition practitioners when it comes to the purple sweet potato smoothies. As much as these drinks may have very bright colors they are equally as nourishing as they contain some components that are very essential in the body. These have Vitamin, fiber and antioxidants and are very essential in so many ways to the body’s health. It might be: the addition of these smoothies may be a plus to your general health; it is another simple and healthy method of infusing these healthy foods into meal diets. 

Health Benefits of Purple Sweet Potato Smoothies

  • High Fiber Content

These sweet potatoes mainly contain dietary fiber, which can assist in the proper functioning of the bowel. The above components make fiber to be associated with the occurrence or prevention of constipation depending on the contraction of the bowl. Fiber assists in preventing or reducing constipation since it assists in contracting the bowels. This can result in the enhancement of the gut health and better digestion process and system in the body. 

  • Gut Health

So it is with the blueberries similarly, fibers present in the purple sweet potatoes are prebiotic, and this simply augments the quantity of the beneficial bacteria in the stomach. The identification of the structure of the intestinal microflora is crucial for health of the entire intestine and the entire organism. 

  • Antioxidant Power

In sweet potatoes, there is the purple type of potatoes that is rich in affordable-antioxidants that is synthesized by anthocyanins, veggie’s color makers. Among this list of antioxidants, one is privileged to learn that they are there to act as guards in the body against the effect of oxidative stress from what is known as the free radicals which compromises the immune system. 

  • Immune-Boosting Nutrients

 Other nutrients like vitamin A and vitamin C which play a very crucial role in uplifting the immune system are also present in purple sweet potatoes. Vitamin A contributes to the efficiency of the skin and mucous membrane tissue operations that contain bacteria and pathogen fighting responsibilities. Another is that Vitamin C acts positively to the immune system since it is believed to stimulate the production of white blood cells, components of the body’s safeguard system that fights diseases. 

  • Anti-Inflammatory Properties

However, there is a lot of information at disposal suggesting that the anthocyanins which are present in samples of purple sweet potato can combat inflammation. The other stylized food that is recommended include; taking purple sweet potato smoothies as this assists in the inflammatory issue thus beneficial in the treatment of inflammatory diseases like arthritis. 

  • Chronic Disease Prevention

 Furthermore, Insulin production is regulated through the inhibition of inflammation, this purpose Purple sweet potatoes are suitable for managing diseases such as heart diseases, diabetes, and some carrier diseases. Since inflammation is one of the issues of these diseases it is important to include anti-inflammatory foods and products in the diet. 

  • Blood Pressure Regulation

 The nutrients which are present in the purple sweet potatoes include potassium which is a mineral that is commonly used to treat hypertension in the body. You need such a quantity because potassium does counter sodium and hence lowering high blood pressure as well as the welfare of the heart improves. 

  • Heart-Protective Nutrients

Thus, lower probability of heart diseases prevailed in consumers of purple sweet potatoes realized through anthocyanins and fiber components. Fiber reduces the amount of cholesterol believed to be present in the body on the other hand antioxidants offer protection to the heart from any form of stress and inflammation reducing incidences of heart diseases.

  • Skin Nourishment

There are a number of micro nutrients among them vitamins A and E which are basic in as far as skin health is concerned. Vitamin A helps to slough off dead skin cells and assists in the formation of new cells; vitamin E on the other hand has the responsibility of protecting skin cells from oxidation and makes the skin stretch. 

  • Anti-Aging Benefits

 Based on the absorption of the purple sweet potatoes, one can be able to counterbalance aging effects, since they are endowed with antioxidants. These antioxidants assist in the reduction of free radicals in the human body and this serves to reduce the occurrence of fine lines and wrinkles in this way maintaining the healthy tone of this organ. 

  • Low-Calorie and Nutrient-Dense

These types of purple sweet potatoes can be termed to be low in calorie but highly endowed with nutrient density, which is severally considered to be a demanded course for weight loss. Thus, through including purple sweet potato smoothies into your meals, you are likely to gain a sense of fullness and reduced hunger that is not coupled with exorbitant calorie intake. 

  • Satiety and Appetite Control

The noun that has been used by this product is fiber and it’s derived from purple sweet potatoes and these potatoes have very high fiber nutritious worth to enable you to have a full stomach for most part of the day. It can help in control of appetite thus can assist in determining the quantity of food to be taken and therefore aids in weight loss and control of obesity.

  • Low Glycemic Index

The most preferred, including flying yam commonly known as purple sweet potatoes, have the lowest glycemic index and the slowest to release sugar into the bloodstream. This helps in avoiding a change or reduction in the blood sugar levels and thus suitable for diabetics or anyone who wants to manage their blood sugar levels respectively. 

  • Insulin Sensitivity

Fiber and antioxidants that are found in the purple sweet potatoes can in the same manner lower the level of resistance to insulin which plays a role of controlling the blood glucose. Changes in glycemic control enhances the efficiency with which the body is able to utilize glucose thus boosting sensitization to insulin and consequently averting the beginning of type 2 diabetes. 

Recipes for Purple Sweet Potato Smoothies


  • 1 cup purplish in color cooked and peeled sweet potatoes that have been cubed. 
  •  1 ripe banana 
  •  1 cup almond milk (or any milk of the individual’s choice). 
  •  1 teaspoon cinnamon 
  •  1 tablespoon honey or maple syrup preferably organic, for the dressing (optional). 
  •  Ice cubes (optional) 


  1. Steam the purple sweet potatoes until soft or bake it in the oven and let cool. 
  2.  In a blender, blend cooked sweet potatoes, banana, almond milk, cinnamon and honey/ maple syrup. 
  3.  Mix this until the composition is smooth, with a creamy texture. optional you can add ice cubes for a cold drink or a smoothie. 
  4.  Enjoy in a glass, pour it up!


Sweet Potato Smoothie
  • Protein Boost: To this basic recipe, you may add a scoop of your protein powder of choice for the added protein.
  • Nut Butter Delight: Add mushy 1 tablespoon almond or peanut butter to make it creamier and more tasty.
  • Fruity Twist: To try a different flavor and introduce other vitamins and minerals, include other fruits such as berries, mango, or pineapple.

Preparation Tips

  • Cooking: The purple sweet potatoes should be peeled and cut into cubes and steam or boiled until they are soft. It is okay for them to be slightly frozen, but not to the extent that they will freeze the smoothie when included; so use them as they are. 
  • Storage: The sweated potatoes can also be boiled and cooked to be stored in the refrigerator so that one will take a short time to prepare sweet potatoes smoothies.

Incorporating Purple Sweet Potato Smoothies into Your Diet

Daily Routine

  • Breakfast:  It can be enjoyed as a breakfast; you can try making a refreshing purple sweet potato smoothie to kick start the day packed with nutrients.
  • Post-Workout: Hence, it is wise having a smoothie after exercises so as to provide nutrients to the muscles and assist in strength development.


 Adding more or less milk, different types of milk can be used, or other preferences of the customers can allow different variations of the purple sweet potato smoothies. Add more or less sugar depending on your preference, you can have a sweet smoothie or one that is not so sweet. 

Pairing Ideas

  • Balanced Meal: Combine it with a serving of nuts or a slice of brown toast as this will complete a nutritious meal.
  • Healthy Snacks: You can take your smoothie as a snack with a sliced fresh fruit or a small salad on the side.

Potential Side Effects and Precautions

  • Digestive Issues

 Nonetheless, it should be noted that in some people purple sweet potatoes may cause gastric upset. First of all it is suggested to begin with small portions in order to understand the state of ones’ organism. 

  • Allergic Reactions

 Still, it is worth noting that there are instances when people are allergic to sweet potatoes though the occurrences are rare. If one of the allergies becomes manifested, it is necessary to cease the use of the product and address a doctor. 

  • Health Conditions

 It must be noted that if you have some health complications or certain dietary issues that you have been facing, you should consult a doctor before making these changes. They would be able to offer such a direction with a view of enabling consumers to take safe and beneficial portions of the purple sweet potato smoothies into their diets. 

For in-dept details: Click Here.


The above prepared purple sweet potato smoothies should be able to boost the health of any individual who would desire to take it. These are smoothie shaping antioxidants, vitamins and fiber that come to play, escalating immunity, diminishing the inflammation, heart condition and skin tone. When it comes to preparation, it is relatively easy to prepare with the purple sweet potatoes and can conform to daily meal preparation; therefore, these purple sweet potato smoothies are healthy foods.

One should also attempt to create them and actually feel the positive impact of their usage with one’s body. And so it is, it is necessary to post not only delicious recipes and helpful experiences but scintillating experiences for people suitable to motivate them to have a better and healthier life. 


Ninja Creami

What are purple sweet potato smoothies?

 Purple sweet potato smoothies refer to the typically health enhancing cocktails that are prepared by blending cooked purple sweet potatoes with fruits, milk or other suitable sweeteners.

Ninja Creami

What are the health benefits of purple sweet potato smoothies?

 Purple sweet potato smoothies contain some antioxidants, vitamins, fiber as well as minerals. antibiotics can enhance digestion, raise the resistance to diseases, lessen swelling, support the heart muscles, and enhance skin quality.

Ninja Creami

How do purple sweet potatoes benefit gut health? 

They have fiber which works as pre biotic that contributes to the great digestive system which in turn assists in absorption of nutrients.

Ninja Creami

Can purple sweet potato smoothies be made in advance?

 Indeed, sweet potatoes that are cooked can be stored in the refrigerator for a week at most; therefore, making smoothies in the shortest time possible.

Ninja Creami

How can I customize purple sweet potato smoothies?

 Some of the traditional components which can be changed include fruits, nut butters or protein powders to develop different tastes and characteristics. 

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